Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Smartphone growth and network capacity

Smartphone continues to grow 50% year over year and 20% over Q1 of 2010. This is a tremendous growth amid the condition of the overall economy. One note about the growth is that the network capacity of various carriers continue to under heavy pressure. With LTE arriving, the technology is supposed to alleviate the network by utilizing the spectrum more efficiently. It is likely a 2011 and 2012 event even VZN is committed to the 38 market launch this year.

The smartphone growth is expected to slow down by 2011 to 25%, ABI anaylst Michael Morgan predicts after the carrier have already fulfilled the demand side.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Teens drive data usage

Teen data usage rose from 14MB Q2 last year to 62MB. Message is still considered the main revenue source. Male teens use 72MB while females use 53MB of data compared to just 11MB just last year.

Nielson - smartphone out grew feature phones

Male vs female smartphone users are 53% vs 47%. I think that is a very healthy spread in the industry. The purchasing habit of the two demographics will likely change over time. iSupply also claims that smartphone will grow to 500 million units by 2014. That is about half of what the current annual unit sold worldwide. So we should see the tipping point of mass market adoption by 2014 at least in the US.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Being Steve's boss & the history of Apple

What an interesting read on ex-CEO Sculley and Steve Job. This article covers the inside thinking of Steve Jobs, what it means to be a marketing company, how the core strength of a company means and bad decisions Sculley has made (with a self admission) before Steve turned it around.

article link.