Thursday, October 05, 2006

How Single Antenna Interference Cancellation (SAIC) Works

SAIC refers to a class of processing algorithms, which attempt to cancel
or suppress interference using a single receive antenna. The two most prominent families of
SAIC algorithms are:
• Joint Demodulation (JD), also called Joint Detection
• Blind Interference Cancellation (BIC)

The basic difference between JD and BIC is that the JD receivers attempt to jointly process
(demodulate) both the desired signal and one or more of the interferers, while BIC receivers
only process (demodulate) the desired signal while canceling or suppressing the interference.
Since the BIC algorithm only specifically deals with the desired signal, it is said to be “blind” to
the interferer. BIC algorithms may not be applicable to all wireless systems, but they can be
applied to GMSK signals used in GSM due to the nature of the modulation.

SAIC works best in a synchronous network.

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